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Scottish Rite Officers - January 2025

From the Venerable Master (January 2025)

My Brethren,

I will start my last article as Venerable Mas- ter by saying Hi, and hope that I find every- one in good Health. I pray good health and blessing's for everyone in 2025.

The year 2024 was a good year for our Scottish Rite Valley. In 2024 we had a state wide Reunion for all 32 Degrees. Our Val- ley was able to put on the 4th through the 14th Degree. We had many Grand Lodge Officers Attend. We were able to achieve this goal by the guid- ance of Ill. Ken Nagel and the Degree Directors who took on this task. It was the first time in many years that this feat was accom- plished. Congratulations to all that took part. We also put on our own Degrees in September and October. which were also very successful.

In September we also put on a 50's--60's Musical to raise funds for our Rite Car Clinic. It also was a great success. We raised about $3,600 for the clinic.

Our Valley also took on the task of creating a Smoke Room downstairs. It was a lot of hard work, but by dedication and many hours of a few of our Scottish Rite Brothers it has been accomplished. It is open and ready to use. Thanks to all that had a hand in completing this task.

Amazon continues to Rent our Parking Spaces which is a good revenue for our Valley. In closing, I wish to thank everyone who helped me along my year as Venerable Master. It was a pleasure and an honor to serve you in 2024. Keep reading the Rite Word.

May you always have Love to share, Health to Spare, and Friends who Care. May you be blessed.

San Jose Lodge of Perfection Art Pasquinelli, 32° KCCH 2024 Venerable Master

From the Wise Master (January 2025)

Brothers & Friends,

I said many of my farewells last month but wanted to reiterate my thanks to the Valley for the privilege of sitting in the East for the Chapter in this last year. I look forward to what every else I can do to contribute to the work of the Rite in the coming year.

In the past, I have mentioned my affinity for the Quotes of Others in expressing thoughts for consideration. Some are contemporary and some from history. In these times of instant communication via S&M (Social Media), I often see people coming to confrontation over their opinions and those of others. This is why I have long thought the quotes of others are important because they give us the opportunity to consider a point someone is making without personalizing it. They carry the perspective & perhaps wisdom of others and allow us to expand upon it in the context of the time and times it took to create it.

I will leave you with a few parting thoughts - in the form of quotes.

“Sometimes what one needs to say is too important to let fear get in the way”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Over the years, Tim Cook has repeatedly emphasized that he feels it’s better to be involved in conversations than sit on the sidelines. “You don’t change things by just yelling,” he said in 2016. “You change things by showing everyone why your way is the best.”

“The nature of innovation is that you cannot predict all the consequences. In my experience, there have been surprising consequences. Some fabulous, and some less so.”

~ Jony Ives.

“People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt

And finally,

“Perhaps wisdom is the ability to recognize you might not have it”

~ MCB 6/28/22

San Jose Chapter of Rose Croix Mark Burger, 32° KCCH 2024 Wise Master

From the Commander of Kadosh (January 2025)

My term as Commander of the Council has run its course. It’s been an honor for me and a great pleasure to serve in this capacity, and I thank all of you for your ongoing friendship and support.

The Council of Kadosh consists of twelve degrees and I have highlighted one with each of my monthly contributions to the Rite Word. The final degree of the Council is the thirtieth, Knight Kadosh. This is the degree where the candidate is memorably walked up and down a symbolic ladder. On the rungs of the ladder are written the names of the seven liberal arts and sciences and a number of masonic virtues. Less obvious perhaps, on each side of the ladder is written an expression. On the right hand side it reads Love of God, on the left, Love of Neighbor. Now, often written in English, they were originally written in Hebrew, as seen in the illustration accompanying the degree in A Bridge to Light. These expressions describe our two principal goals as Masons, morality and virtue.

Morality and virtue are two closely related ideas. Morality, on the right side, concerns your beliefs, and amounts to what you think about right from wrong. Your thoughts being private, your true beliefs are known only to God. The rightness of your thoughts, shows your Love of God. Virtue, on the left, concerns your actions. Morality is right thinking, virtue is right behavior. Simply put, knowing what is right and not doing it, is not virtue. The rightness of your action toward others is a display of your Love of Neighbor. One, morality, is ideal, you believe it, while the other, virtue, is real, you display it.

A worthwhile secondary consideration comes from a brief explanation of the original Hebrew expressions. The Hebrew word karev (קְרָב) means "to draw near" or "to come close", hence the translation as neighbor.

However it also carries the meaning of a battle or struggle, particularly one fought close at hand. We might consider a deeper lesson presented in the degree. One must embrace the work of a Freemason. They must Love the Struggle. Not contention with others, but the struggle to improve oneself.

Finally, we learn in the Scottish Rite that a Mason’s love for humanity should outweigh his distaste for vice. This, often difficult lesson, reminds us once more of the balance we strive to attain between our thoughts and our behavior, between being kind and being fair, and between what is right and what is practical.

Thank you again, my Brothers, and farewell Illustrious Gregg Hall as you take the next step in your journey. Your presence, friendship, and guidance will be dearly missed.

That is all,

San Jose Council of Kadosh Peter Cardilla, 32° 2024 Commander of Kadosh

From the Master of Kadosh (January 2025)

Greetings, Scottish Rite Brethren.

This is my last article for the Rite Word, and as my article last month (on Bro. Gordon Cooper) was VERY long, and this month needs more space for more articles from others, I will make this VERY brief.

Thank you for allowing me to serve as Master of Kadosh for the San Jose Consistory.

This past year was interesting, and not quite what I expected, but satisfying nonetheless.

My replacement this coming year is Wor. Eduardo “Eddie” Hermano, a very capable brother, whom I expect to do a marvelous job leading the Consistory.

I will now leave you in quite capable hands.

See you at the meeting and dinner!

San Jose Consistory Helmuth Litfin, 32° 2024 Venerable Master of Kadosh

From the Chief Knight

(January 2025)

Happy New Year!

Here’s hoping your Hogmanay was not too heavy with libations, but left everyone ready for the new year and ready to spring into our next Reunion, only a few months away.

The KSA sends congratulations to, and applauds all those members in our Valley that progressed and/or stepped up to help the Valley of San Jose take on a new year.

In addition to the five new members the KSA gained in 2024. We wrapped up last year receiving a few more, bringing us up to seven new members. Three of them received their accolades in November and the other four were knighted after the December meeting.

The KSA will be starting January representing our Valley at local Masonic events, including the Mountain View De Anza installation of officers, and possibly the next Rainbow Assembly installation of officers.

San Jose Knights of St. Andrew

Michael Lammer, 32°

2024 Chief Knight, KSA

The Knights of Saint Andrew 2025 Officers

Chief Knight

Bro. Chris Boyes 32º

First Knight

Bro. Alan Porjesz 32º

Knight of the Watch

Bro. Mike Lammer 32º, PCK


Bro. Tim Lynch 32º

Monk Knight

Bro. Angelo Encarnacion 32º


Bro. John Absalon 32º

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