From the Venerable Master (August 2023)
What is the difference between AF&AM vs F&AM STATES? AF&AM stands for Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. F&AM stands for Free and Accepted Masons. In actuality, it does not matter whether you join an AF&AM lodge or an F&AM lodge in the United States. In the U.S., every regular lodge is under the jurisdiction of its state Grand Lodge. Due to the fact that there is no Grand Lodge Headquarters for each state's separate Grand Lodge, each state's Grand Lodge is, therefore, its own "headquarters" within that state's jurisdiction.
All Freemasons, both AF&AM (which means Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, as well as F & AM, which means Free and Accepted Masons, trace their allegorical history back to the building of Solomon's temple in the Holy Scriptures. Freemasonry was exported to the British Colonies in North America in the 1730s—with both the "Ancients" (sometimes also referred to as "Antients") and the "Moderns" (as well as the Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland) which chartered offspring ("daughter") lodges, and organized various Provincial Grand Lodges.
After the American Revolution, independent U.S. Grand Lodges formed within each state.
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons vs Free and Accepted Masons
From 1751 to 1813, there were actually 2 Grand Lodges in England. The difference in AF&AM vs F&AM states goes back to a disagreement between these 2 Grand Lodges in London at that time.
One group was called the "Moderns", but was actually the older of the 2 English Grand Lodges. The other group was called the "Antients", which became the "Ancients" in AF and AM.
Due to this disagreement, the 2 groups broke into separate Grand Lodges. The disagreement was later healed around 1880, but by that time, there were lodges and Grand Lodges
all over the United States that were descended from one group or the other, and so each group kept their corresponding initials with which they were formed, (which is the reason for which there are small differences within different states' ritual wording and Grand Lodge By-Laws and procedures).
Most Grand Lodges in the U.S. recognize each other and treat each other's members as valid Masons.
Also, all of the U.S. Grand Lodges recognize (and are recognized by) the official Grand Lodges of England, Ireland, Scot- land and the Grand Lodges in most of Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Thailand, India, etc.
Prince Hall Masonic Lodge
Historically, the regular (mainstream) Grand Lodges did not recognize the lodges under the "Prince Hall" Grand Lodges. The Prince Hall Masonic Lodge descends from a lodge of Black Freemasons in Boston begun by a Black man by the name of Prince Hall.
Prince Hall Free Masonry began during the War of Independence, when Prince Hall and fourteen other free black men were initiated into Lodge # 441, Irish Constitution, attached to the 38th Regiment of Foot of the British Army garrisoned at Castle Williams...now called Fort Independence, at Boston Harbor on March 6, 1775.
Later, they applied for and received a Charter from the Grand Lodge of England.
After Prince Hall passed away, the lodge ceased to function. Many years later, Black Masons established their own Prince Hall Masonic Grand Lodge. They subsequently issued charters to Black men for subordinate lodges.
Today, many Prince Hall Masonic Grand Lodge are recognized by the regular (mainstream) Grand Lodges. In other states, they are termed as affiliated.
Any Prince Hall Masonic Grand Lodge which is not recognized by their regular counterparts are termed as irregular (non-mainstream) lodges.
AF&AM vs F&AM states grand lodges may be determined as to which state is which, below.
AF&AM vs F&AM States...vs AFM States...vs FAAM States
AF&AM States
AF&AM - Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
These 24 AF&AM states include: CO, CT, DE, ID, IL, IA, KS, ME, MD, MA, MN, MO, MT, NE, NM, NC, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, VA, WV, WY.
F&AM States:
F&AM - Free and Accepted Masons
These 25 F & AM states include: AL, AK, AR, AZ, CA, FL, GA, HI, IN, KY, LA, MI, MS, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, PA, RI, TN, UT, VT, WA, WI.
All Prince Hall lodges are also F. & A.M.
AFM State: AFM - Ancient Free Masons There is 1 AFM state: SC FAAM District: FAAM - Free And Accepted Masons The District of Columbia is F.A.A.M.
So, what is the difference between Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and Free and Accepted Masons and the members of Accepted Free Mason states and Free and Accepted Mason states?
The few intrinsic differences between AF&AM vs F&AM states grand lodges, the AFM grand lodge in South Carolina, and the FAAM in Washington, D.C., are minimal.
While both AF&AM vs F&AM states exist, along with AFM states and FAAM in the District of Columbia, (with small differences in ritual wording, some officer titles, etc.) in essence, these minimal differences are not as important as the shared brotherhood between all of these groups within the fraternity.
San Jose Lodge of Perfection Naresh Rampershad, 32° 2022-2023 Venerable Master

From the Wise Master (August 2023)
As part of the human condition, we all experience loss. Be it the loss of things, pets, friends, family, or Brothers, we experience these losses and we process them in our own unique ways.
Last month we said goodbye to our Brother Wolfgang with a great attendance from people within Masonic fraternal groups as well as other fraternities he was involved in throughout his life. The ceremony was a wonderful tribute to our Brother. And in, dare I say, Wolfgang fashion, there was also great celebration as all those who attended gathered to tell stories and celebrated for many hours after the memorial had concluded.
San Jose Chapter of Rose Croix Timothy M. Lynch II, 32° 2022-2023 Wise Master

From the Commander of Kadosh (August 2023)
Readers of Morals and Dogma have wondered why the book begins with the word force. Was the selection arbitrary, or was it purposeful? If so, what does it mean?
The word force alludes to the ancient word of recognition of an Apprentice Mason, and comes to us via French rituals, as do most of the Scottish Rite Degrees. In French rituals the word force appears where the word strength occurs in English rituals—the latter having a long-standing Masonic tradition through a connection to King Solomon’s Temple. The entrance porch of the temple was flanked by two large freestanding brazen pillars, one on either side, each of which had a particular name.
The northern pillar was called Boaz (ןיכי). ( while the southern pillar was named Jachin זעב), Contemporary scholarship suggests that Boaz means “In Him [the Lord] is strength,” while Jachin means “He [the Lord] establishes.” The precise meaning of these words, as well as the reason they were selected, is still debated. According to early Masonic traditions Apprentices and Fellows met respectively at one of these pillars to receive their instructions and wages, and this presented a rationale for the pillars’ names as words of recognition. The names were said to collectively allude to a promise made by God that He would establish his kingdom in strength—a belief which may derive from 1 Kings 9:5, “I establish your royal throne over Israel forever” or 1 Chron. 28:7, “I will establish his kingdom forever.” The scripture appears in corrupted form in Masonic ritual, often as “In strength will I establish this mine house to stand firm forever.”
The association between the pillars, the word strength, and the Apprentice Degree is of great antiquity. The Edinburgh Register House MS. (1696), the earliest known Masonic catechism, hints that the names Boaz and Jachin were connected with the Apprentices’ and Fellows’ rituals, while an early exposé, The Grand Mystery of Free-Masons Discovered (1724) explained that “Iachin and Boaz” represent “A Strength and Stability of the Church in all Ages.” Another exposé, The Whole Institutions of Masonry (1724), remarked “The Explanation of our Secrets is as Follow’s—Jachin signifies Strength and Boaz. Beautiful.” When Masonic rituals were translated into French the word strength was rendered as force, as seen in the earliest known French Masonic ritual manuscript, the Rituel Laquet (ca. 1745). It states that the import of the word Jakin is “Strength is in GOD” (La force est in DIEU). Within a score of years, the two significant words were reversed, but the meanings were not. Hence, in the Rituels du Marquis de Gages (1763), we find, “Brother Senior [Warden], what does Boaz signify?” The answer is “Most Venerable, my strength is in God” (Frère 1er, que signifie Booz?”; “Très Vénérable, ma force est en Dieu”).
Thus, this tome opens with a not-too-subtle hint at the universal word of recognition which binds all Masons, regardless of rank. With a word of greeting Pike takes us by the grip; and with an admonition he challenges us to take up our work- ing tools, with discipline and restraint, and engage our labors as craftsmen. From this opening word to the last, which unveils “the True Word of a Master Mason...the True Royal Secret,” we now travel with Pike into foreign countries, until we “at length make real, the Holy Empire of true Masonic Brotherhood” (Morals and Dogma 32:107). So mote it be.
San Jose Council of Kadosh David M. Kampschafer, 32° 2022-2023 Commander of Kadosh

From the Master of Kadosh (August 2023)
We recently celebrated the signing of the Dec- laration of Independence on July 4, and all en- joyed the holiday and festivities surrounding that day. The magnitude of these celebrations, unfortunately, should have been reserved for another date in our Country’s history, the sign- ing of the Constitution.
The Constitution was signed on September 17,
1787. One of the signers proclaimed that the
date would be celebrated by parades, bonfires, picnics and illuminations. As we are aware, such has not been the case, Independence Day became the center of those celebrations.
While this is a bit early to talk about the Constitution it is worth a look at what led to its adoption. Our Constitution did not suddenly appear out of the long dispute with and a war with England, it resulted from successive foundations laid down over the centuries. Ancient ruins show that those structures could not have been built without a system of government to train and control a large number of workmen over the long periods of time needed to complete construction.
The Middle Ages saw the organization of guilds which developed a structure based on written charters and constitutions. The East Indian Company, a trading company, developed from those guilds. It’s charter, incorporated in 1600, brought the gem of a written constitution to America.
Freemasonry, it is said, was the foundation of our Constitution.
The first Grand Lodge in London, established in 1717, adopted a constitution in 1721. A revised constitution, Anderson’s Constitution, was published in 1723 and Brother Benjamin Franklin reprinted
it in 1734 for use by American Masons.
The Constitutional Convention was opened in 1787 to revise the American Articles of Confederation. The convention decided to build a new government framework instead of revising the Articles.
Brother George Washington signed the new Constitution of Sep- tember 17, 1787. To help persuade the original states to sign, thereby ratifying it, a total of 85 essays were written and published in newspapers in the fall of 1787. June 1788 saw the last of the nine states required to ratify it, sign.
A promise made to help secure ratification was that amendments would be accepted to address opponents’ objections. Around 200 were collected and under 20 were submitted in 1789. Ten of them, now called the Bill of Rights, became part of the Constitution in 1791. Since then, thousands of amendments have been proposed, only a few have been ratified.
From this brief history it can be seen that our Constitution is still a live document reflecting changes in our society over the centuries.
San Jose Consistory Richard M. Fisher, III, 33° 2022-2023 Venerable Master of Kadosh

From the Chief Knight (August 2023)
Time is soon approaching for a Gathering of Clans at the Pleasanton Fairgrounds on Labor Day Weekend (September 2-3). So far we have a few of the Knights of Saint Andrew chapters coming out to participate.
Pre-pandemic there was an international gathering of the Knights of Saint Andrew that was hosted in different locations each couple of years. Since the pandemic, that gathering has not returned yet so the local Chapters want to get together and enjoy each others company. This effort is to build relationships between the Chapters as well as between the Valleys in ways that haven’t been explored in a while.
Aside from building those relationships, we plan to have a great time listening to the Pipes & Drums, watching the traditional dance and sports competitions, and tasting some of the best whiskeys, bourbons, and other treats at the Highland Games.
KSA is a service based organization that helps support activities throughout the Valley. Most of our work is done while we are at the monthly stated meetings which keeps the load light while helping things run smoother. During important visits, KSA provides an Arch of Steel salute to dignitaries as well as providing a Flag Presentation team. The Flag Presentation team is also often called upon for blue lodge installations. No kilt is needed and we have a cooler hat than the other bodies. :)
Come out and see what we are about.
San Jose Knights of St. Andrew Timothy M. Lynch II, 32° 2022-2023 Chief Knight, KSA